Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2nd Week October - Imprelis from Dupont could change the way you go after broadleaf weeds

If one of the premier university people said the following. Would you be impressed?

"At this point, it appears (Imprelis) has tremendous potential as a turfgrass herbicide. Common dandelion, white clover, & corn speedwell are three of the most troublesome weeds in turfgrass throughout the US. The fact that Tall Fescue & Kentucky Bluegrass are highly tolerant to this herbicide, & given that this herbicide appears to be highly effective these 3 troublesome weeds, it appears there is great potential in the lawn care market as well as commerical market"

"Control of (clover)was nothing short of impressive"

One did.

-Dr. Fred Yelverton
NC State University

June 9th, 2006

I believe this was worth the wait. Dupont is releasing Imprelis this fall!! No other herbicide has the following characteristics.

aReseed before or after application
aVirtually no oder
aRainfast in less than 2 hours
aPre & Post Activity

Will be available for early order & next year on fertilizer carrier!! Even showing promise on crabgrass!!

Imagine applying this anytime you have weeds (no matter how thin the turf) & keeping them out!! Complete fall renovations can now be done all at once!!

For Real Answers made easy contact Steve Slominski


cell (540)760-8873

1 comment:

  1. Just bought a bottle of Imprelis. Talked with the NC State profs at the Turf Short Course this winter, and they are still impressed with it.

    I'll let you know how it works out in the field.

    Jon Cawley
