"At this point, it appears (Imprelis) has tremendous potential as a turfgrass herbicide. Common dandelion, white clover, & corn speedwell are three of the most troublesome weeds in turfgrass throughout the US. The fact that Tall Fescue & Kentucky Bluegrass are highly tolerant to this herbicide, & given that this herbicide appears to be highly effective these 3 troublesome weeds, it appears there is great potential in the lawn care market as well as commerical market"
"Control of (clover)was nothing short of impressive"
One did.
-Dr. Fred Yelverton
NC State University
June 9th, 2006
I believe this was worth the wait. Dupont is releasing Imprelis this fall!! No other herbicide has the following characteristics.
aReseed before or after applicationaVirtually no oder
aRainfast in less than 2 hours
aPre & Post Activity
Will be available for early order & next year on fertilizer carrier!! Even showing promise on crabgrass!!
Imagine applying this anytime you have weeds (no matter how thin the turf) & keeping them out!! Complete fall renovations can now be done all at once!!
For Real Answers made easy contact Steve Slominski
cell (540)760-8873